5 Simple Exercises That Will Reshape Your Body in Just 4 Weeks

Some of the most important things we need to do if we want to be completely healthy is exercise constantly and eat healthily. Healthy nutrition is something that will help you have a healthier and happier life.

The foods have to be rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but here, we’ve also prepared you 5 exercises that will help you get rid of the unwanted weight and be extremely healthy in only several weeks!

1. Plank
This is one of the most beneficial exercises. It helps you acquire great abs and strengthens your shoulders at the same time. Start doing a push-up. Then, turn your elbows in an angle of 90 degrees. Your body should be straight. Try to stay still for at least 60 seconds, but make sure you don’t move your waist or butt.

2. Squats
This is another beneficial exercise. Position your feet at shoulder-width aside. Your shoulders should point towards down. Spread your arms to the front.
Your knees should be bent progressively and make sure your hips are front. Make sure you are lowered, but your back should be straight. Your thighs should be parallel with the ground.
Push your feet and go back to the beginning state. Squats are excellent because your core becomes strengthened, but they also build the quads, hams, and calves, as well as support the whole fat burning process.

3. Bird-Dog
Pose yourself like you’re doing a plank. Extend one of your legs with the opposite arm concurrently. Your body should be balanced. Hold like that for several minutes. Go back into the starting position. Then, change sides. This is an excellent exercise that will strengthen your lower back and your abs.

4. Lying Hip Raises
First, lie on the ground. Your knees should be bent and your feet should be on the ground flat. The out to your sides should be stretched at a 45° angle. Then, squeeze your glutes. At the same time, you should raise your hips upward, tilting the pelvis.

Go back into the starting position. Repeat everything once again. This is a very beneficial exercise for your hamstrings, thighs, abs, back and glutes.

5. Push-ups
Begin with a plank pose. Your hands should be below your shoulders so that you can force your whole body up. Your legs, back and buttock should be in a straight line. Go back to the ground and repeat it once again. These are excellent for all of your body muscles. Your whole body will be strengthened.

The 4-Week Exercise Plan

Two main exercises are important for this method:

1st Workout
– 1 minute of plank;
– 1 minute of push-ups;
– 2 minutes of squats;
– 1 minute of bird-dog;
– 1 minute of lying hip raises;
– 1 minute of plank;
– 1 minute of push-ups;
– 2 minutes of squats.

Rest for 10 seconds.

2nd Workout
– 3 minutes of plank;
– 3 minutes of bird-dog;
– 3 minutes of lying hip raises;
– 1 minute of push-ups.
Rest for 15 seconds.

This is the schedule for the whole month:

1st Week
– 1st Day –Workout n.1
– 2nd Day – Workout n.2
– 3rd Day – Workout n.1
– 4th Day – Workout n.2
– 5th Day – Workout n.1
– 6th Day – Workout n.2
– 7th Day – rest

2nd Week
– 1st Day –Workout n.2
– 2nd Day – Workout n.1
– 3rd Day – Workout n.2
– 4th Day –Workout n.1
– 5th Day –Workout n.2
– 6th Day – 1st Workout
– 7th Day – rest

When the second week passes, follow the plan from week 1 again. You should end with the plan for week number 2.
You’ll definitely notice more energy, improved health and body strengthening!